The Journal of the American Cavy Breeders Association (JACBA) is published 4 times a year and subscription is included in your paid ACBA membership.
Publication Dates

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Submissions are welcome and very much encouraged. All submissions must be signed. Submission of materials grants ACBA permission to edit and reprint rights.
Any person or organization wishing to reprint anything from any ACBA publication, must receive permission from the ACBA by writing to the secretary, as well as permission from the author or author's representative. When asking for permission, the purpose should be included. If anyone is intending to republish any of these articles for profit, permission will be denied. It will also be asked that an ACBA membership application be included if at all possible, and a copy of what is reprinted sent to the secretary.
All opinions are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publication, or of the American Cavy Breeders Association, Inc. Neither the ACBA nor its officers are liable for any damages arising from errors, misprints, or any information contained herein. Rights are reserved to refuse for publication any item or advertisement determined not in the best interest of the membership.
Electronic submissions are accepted. Submission deadlines are the 1st of the month of the publication quarter.
Submission deadlines per publication date
February = January 1st
May = April 1st
August = July 1st
November = October 1st
Send Letters to the Editor, Articles, Photos, Ad Submissions via email, or by mail to:
Robert Spitzer, Editor
(Please send email for mailing address if needed)
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